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Are You Ready to See Fractal Sculptures Animated by Strobe Lighting?


Strobe lighting, 3D printed figures and the golden ratio combine in this exuberant video adventure.

A fortuitous coincidence of creativity, technology and optical illusion give way to this psychoactive piece. “Blooms”, by artist John Edmark, who teaches design at Stanford University, takes our mind for a ride into a vertiginous esthetic experience.

The dynamic is thus: complex structures created from a 3D printer and modeled according to the Fibonacci sequence are set spinning and then bathed in strobe lights. Each time the rotation of the pieces reaches 137.6 degrees (the golden ratio), a strobe flash is triggered.

The synchronicity of the combination of variables produces an effect that is magnetizing ––hyper-geometric bodies that absorb each other infinitely in a concentric movement.

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