Move of the Month by Miami Life Center
A happy life is a peaceful life, according to ancient yogic wisdom. Tim Feldmann, Director of Miami Life Center, shares his thoughts on peaceful living through the time-tested method of yoga.
Peaceful living pivots around the axis of kindness, compassion and non-harming on every level, from what we eat to how we show up our relationships. Inner peace happens when we live in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings.
Happiness does not live in a vacuum so in order to be happy we must cultivate peace on every level, every day and everywhere.
Peace and calm don’t just come by themselves. A commitment to live in a yogic way requires both work and commitment. We must plant the seed of kindness and joy within us, along with moment-to-moment attention to thought and action. When we nurture the seed it will grow a strong root. Only a strong root can grow a sturdy tree and only a healthy tree bears good fruit. So, by planting the seed of peace and tending to its growth with patience and diligence, you reap the harvest of true happiness. This is the poetic picture yoga paints for cultivating happy living.
Yoga is a time-tested method that teaches us how to enjoy the harvest of life.
Yoga is best practiced in a community with other people who walk the same path and face the same daily struggles. A qualified teacher who has walked the path, who knows the terrain well, can guide us towards wisdom and compassion. With these aids you are well-equipped for a successful hike into the spiritual forest. Yoga is far more than a bunch of physical exercises.
Yoga uses the physical body as a mirror into our true being.
You may start off in search of strength or flexibility, but you will find that the real benefits of the practice are much deeper. After years of practice you will look in the mirror and find humility, courage, joy and self respect. You will find yourself a little more present, lighter, happier and so much more connected to yourselves and the people we love. And isn’t that what happiness is all about?
Come and join us. We’d love to walk this path with you.
Miami Life Center offers Ashtanga-style yoga classes at Tierra Santa Healing House on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at a drop-in rate of $25 per person. For the full schedule and more information, please contact Tierra Santa Healing House.