Global Consciousness Project: Keeping Track on Collective Conscience
An amazing project which seems to prove that there is, indeed, a collective consciousness that links all humanity.
The Global Consciousness Project is one of the most serious efforts made in the last years to explore the limits of human conscience, risking to go beyond any limits concerning the dominant paradigms of science. Criticized by many for venturing into what is supposedly the exclusive domain of parapsychology and paranormal studies, this project, leaded by Roger Nelson from Princeton University, is devoted to prove the elegant and radical hypothesis that global conscience can be measured and can make itself tangible in the material world.
To do this, the Global Consciousness Project has created a network of scientists, engineers, artists and programmers working in dozens of countries taking measurements in specific moments in which, due to a world scale event, the manifestation of this “global conscience” is considered to be probable.
To measure this elusive coefficient there is a network of random numerical generators spread in different parts of the world. These nodes are constantly generating numbers that are registered in a database and then synchronized to Princeton’s server. The project’s thesis is that if during these global scale events there is, by mere chance, a statistical variation in the numbers generated by these instruments, and generating numerical patterns with a less than one in a thousand millions the chance to happen, it is then acceptable to affirm that the concentration of collective human thinking is having an influence on these results. These instruments, also known as EGG’s (Electro-Gaia-Grams), are the sophisticated equivalents to flipping a coin in the air every second and registering the results—searching for statistic deviations.
The results, measuring events like the death of Princess Diana or the World Cup Final, are statistically significant. According to what is written in the project’s website by Roger Nelson: “The behavior of our network of random sources is correlated with the interconnected human conscience on a global scale. There is a highly significant overall effect on the GCP instrument during special times we identify as “global events” which brings large numbers of people to share consciousness and emotions”.
GCP’s inspiration comes from the Noosphere concept, a project by Jesuit priest and palaeontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin who, against his Christian education, thought that men were evolving to the point of creating a collective thinking layer or a psychic planetary energy sphere. For Teilhard de Chardin, this evolute stage was the result of the speeding of matter complexity in the universe, men always being one step ahead, by shooting themselves towards an Omega Point.
Is there really a collective consciousness interconnecting humanity? Is conscience capable of manifesting itself in a phenomenological world and altering material processes? It is difficult to say so for certain, but it may be that the work of a group of successful entrepreneurs points in a positive direction. Scientists possessing great aesthetic appreciation skills even make poems of this mysterious phenomenon at the center of existence: the conscience that invades the world.
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