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different types of seeds

The 10 Healthiest Seeds on Earth, Try Including Them in Your Diet


A list of the most nutritious seeds and eating tips to optimise their attributes.

It is somewhat unlikely that a seed will contain no nutritional properties. Most of the calories found in a single natural product are found in seeds, specially legumes and nuts. Seeds, which can also be taken in concoctions, supply oils and are a rich nutritional additive when combined with other foods.

It has been established that in order to take advantage of their nutritional properties, the best way to eat them is in their natural state, that is, without spices and avoiding toasting or heating them, since they lose most of their nutrients when exposed to heat. Also, you should be discouraged from eating them with sugar. Here is a list of the most nutritious seeds, in accordance with their attributed properties:

  1. Chia seed: contains Omega fats, fibre, antioxidants and protein.
  2. Cannabis seed: contains proteins, fibre, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, additionally they have a pleasant flavour.
  3. Berry seed: rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  4. Cacao seed: contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants and causes pleasant sensations because it prompts the release of serotonin.
  5. Flax seed: regulates appetite, maintains good levels of lipids in the blood, reduces abdominal pains, is anti-inflammatory ad anti-oxidant, it stabilises hormonal levels and is a good anti-depressant.
  6. Pumpkin seed: contains large amounts of protein; a hundred 100 grams of this seed contains 54% of the protein we need in a day, it is also a rich source of vitamin B, helps prevent kidney stones and fights parasites.
  7. Apricot seed: it is a rich source of vitamin B17 and is well known for its anti-cancer properties.
  8. Sesame seed: considered to be the oldest condiment, it is highly valued for its oil. It contains highs doses of magnesium, is a great source of calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fibre.
  9. Sunflower seed: it is an excellent source of vitamin E, the first soluble antioxidant in the body. They reduce cholesterol, contain magnesium, which lowers high blood pressure, it prevents migraines and reduces cardiac risks and brain strokes.
  10. Grape seed: It has high concentrations of vitamin E. The seed extract prevents heart disease, high blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels. It also reduces the risk of illness and is un-inflammatory. Research shows that grape seed extract replaces cancer cells with healthy ones.

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